TPL IDE Automation docs and pictures

Diagrams for detailed view:

  1. User friendly explaining of modes: TPL IDE Better doc
  2. User friendly explaining of modes old: TPL_IDE_User
  3. BMC_TPLpre_IDE: BMC_TPLpre_IDE:
  4. Func() set based on input args set: Func() set based on input args set:
  5. TKU workspace logic: TKU workspace logic:
  6. TPL_IDE_file_path_decision: TPL_IDE_file_path_decisio
  7. TPL_IDE_Pattern_path_Args: TPL_IDE_Pattern_path_Arg

Picture examples of usage:

BMC_TPL_IDE Automation
  1. TKU_Update_Tree: TKU_Update_Tree
  2. TKU_Update_Tree_TKU_Content: TKU_Update_Tree_TKU_Content
  3. TPL_IDE_Run_shell: TPL_IDE_Run_shell
  4. TPL_IDE_Build_Sublime3: TPL_IDE_Build_Sublime3
  5. TPL_IDE_Build_Atom: TPL_IDE_Build_Atom